Thursday, November 30, 2006

crazy famous people

hiya! so here's some gossip for today...

*xtina gets her wax model finally...which isn't that bad. not as creepy as paris', especially not as creepy as this old man feeling up jlo's!
*amanda was eliminated from ANTM last nite...boohoo, no more twins! i'm really starting to like eugena, she's so pretty and has a funny attitude when she shows it. the elimination was scary, but caridee came through. she better knock melrose out (anyone notice the judges are catching on to her fake ass?).
*anna nicole smith says she "might" be preggers again. who a ho! i mean, i feel so bad about her son dying...AND she's getting evicted? woah, i'm sorry i called her a drunken slut, i mean crazy ho-bag...wait, i said ho. sorry about that.
*zooey deschanel looking fabulous at some volkswagon gathering. you may remember her from elf or almost famous or from just being hot.
*billy idol makes a xmas cd...whhhhhhhhhhhhhy
*nicole richie tells santa she was naughty this year
*kate bosworth is a skeleton
*i found pics of paris getting arrested for her DUI! haha! celebrities need to learn they can't always get away with shit.

okay, i've ran out of back later


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